We create long lasting entrepreneurial value. Your Lebenswerk!
We create long lasting entrepreneurial value.
Your Lebenswerk!
Wir sind eine Unternehmensberatung aus Düsseldorf.

We focus on people and their work. What really drives our clients and us in our working lives are not short-term material incentives, but the realisation of ambitious transformations with a long-term impact guarantee!

We create High-Performance
Organisations of the future
Strategy Development
& Strategy Execution
90% of a successful strategy is implementation. Through our innovative approach with a permanent focus on results & progress, we work with you to create a completely new level of effectiveness to strengthen your competitive position in the long term.
Organizational Development
We unleash the full earnings potential of your company - by creating a high-performance organisation that always sets the highest intrinsic standards for itself. Too good to be true? That's what many of our clients said until they started working with us.
Commercial Excellence
We unleash the full earnings potential of your company - by creating a high-performance sales organisation that always sets the highest standards for itself. We strengthen your sales muscle - at all levels.

Alexander Nowroth auf dem BVL Supply Chain Kongress
Wie werden Organisationen
Wie werden Organisationen resilienter?
When will we realise
your life's work?
Our mission is to work with you to measurably and sustainably improve the state of your company. As entrepreneurs, we know from our own experience how crucial demonstrating proof of progress and results is. That's why we measure ourselves against progress in every project - we are only finished when you tick off the agreed, predefined progress indicators, not us. Every day. Since 2017.
Alexander Nowroth & Henrik Schöpfer
Managing Partners